Massaging oils

Natural Muscle Rub -NMR

Produced  by DMS Medical Services

Best Muscle Recovery Cream

New Formula

100% Natural


Soothes pain

Reliefs muscle stiffness

Arnica, Hypercium, Peppermint, and other essential oils and extracts that makes this cream one of a kind

Available in 500 gr  and 100gr tubs

Custom made labels for further distribution and discount on larger orders

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Arnica Rub Massage Oil

Natural Arnica Touch – Therapeutic Massage Oil –  Easy wipe


No preservatives , No artificial fragrances , No Synthetic or Mineral oils

Combination of a carrier Grape Seed oil blend , true Lavender active and  Arnica Montana – Swiss grown

Oil wipes off with paper towel while  practitioner hands get washed with water only – no soap or any solvent needed